決済サービス コインペイ(CoinPay)































CoinPay Shares – FREE Giveaway…(コインペイ株式- 無料プレゼント…)

CoinPay is a new technology company building the worlds first Smart Payment App that will allow merchants to accept multiple digital currencies by using the same invoice and automatically converting the coins to Bitcoin, USD or another Fiat currency.

BitClub Network has partnered with CoinPay in a big way (each entity is run separately but very closely tied together). CoinPay has agreed to give away 65% of the company “shares” to BitClub Members in the form of a new digital asset we are calling CoinPay Tokens or CoinPay Shares.

We believe by putting the majority of all profits earned by this company back into YOUR HANDS it will help the company grow faster and encourage expansion in more markets around the world.



BitClub Networkは、CoinPayと大きなパートナーシップを結んでいます(各エンティティは別々に実行されていますが、非常に緊密に連携しています)。 コインペイは、コイン・ペイ・トークンまたはコイン・ペイ・シェアと呼んでいる新しいデジタル資産の形でBitClub会員に65%の「株式」を譲渡することに同意しました。


Giveaway Details…(プレゼントの詳細…)

For all members who joined BitClub Network anytime BEFORE January 1st 2017

You will receive 1 CoinPay Token for every $10.00 USD you have spent with BitClub

ALL Founders (any level founder) will receive an additional 1,000 CoinPay Tokens

The next giveaway is for all members who will join AFTER December 31st 2016

You will receive 1 CoinPay Token for every $1.00 spent (giving away 10 million tokens in Tier 1)

After Tier 1 the giveaway will drop to 1 CoinPay Token for every $2.00 USD spent (another 10 million tokens)

ALL Founders (Founder 9) will receive 5,000 additional CoinPay Tokens + 200 ClubCoin (1,000 Founders)

After this Founder 10 will receive 3,000 additional CoinPay Tokens + 100 ClubCoin (another 1,000 Founders)

This will continue to drop down every 1,000 Founders until 100,000,000 (100 million tokens are given away)

We also have many other incentives to earn tokens by enrolling new merchants in CoinPay, hitting sales volume ranks from merchant sales volume, and more special offers that you will hear about later on, but for now this page will serve as a ledger showing you how many tokens you have been credited with.



2017年1月1日まで、BitClub Networkに参加したすべてのメンバーが対象。

BitClubに費やした$ 10.00ドルごとに1つのCoinPayトークンを受け取ります。



$ 1.00を支払うたびに1つのCoinPayトークンを受け取ることになります(Tier 1で1,000万のトークンをプレゼント)

ティア1の後、$ 2,000USD(1千万トークン)ごとに1枚のCoinPayトークンをプレゼント。

すべての創設者(創設者9)は、5,000枚のコインペイトークン+ 200のクラブコイン(1,000人の創設者)

この創設者10は、3,000の追加コインペイトークン+ 100のClubCoin(1,000人の創設者)を受け取り、これは、1,000人の創設者ごとに100,000,000(1億のトークンが寄付されるまで)また、CoinPayに新しい小売業者を登録して、小売販売数量から販売数量ランクを突き上げることでトークンを獲得する他の多くのインセンティブがあります。後で詳しく聞くスペシャルオファーがあります。

What is CoinPay?(Coinpayとは)

CoinPay is a technology company building multiple API’s in the form of a “Smart Payment App” system that will allow customers to pay merchants directly for their goods and services. A merchant will have full control over their funds at all times, they can chose to keep a percentage in any currency received or convert it based on the market rate at the time of transaction.

In this scenario, there is no third party or middle man to deal with.

CoinPay runs on smart software so the company can operate anywhere in the world without having to register or jump through regulatory hoops because the entity never touches the funds, all the company does is offer the tools to the merchant to be in full control. There is no counter party, and therefore no counter party risk. The funds are either in the customers possession or the merchants.

CoinPay will be accepting ClubCoin and the plan is to build an entire customer shopping network around this token. All merchants on the platform must accept ClubCoin, even if they convert it instantly to Bitcoin. This will give ClubCoin holders a market to spend their coins through the CoinPay platform.



CoinPayは、顧客が商品やサービスのために直接販売業者に支払うことを可能にする「Smart Payment App」システムの形で複数のAPIを構築するテクノロジー会社です。加盟店はいつでも資金を完全に支配し、受け取った通貨のパーセンテージを維持するか、取引時の市場レートに基づいて換算することができます。




More About CoinPay Shares…(コインペイ株式の詳細…)

CoinPay shares are unlike any other digital asset in the market today… It’s NOT like Bitcoin, it’s NOT like ClubCoin, Ethereum, Zcash, or anything else you will find. This digital asset will act more like a stock certificate giving you “proof-of-ownership” in a profit sharing pool. (However this is NOT a stock)

CoinPay tokens will entitle you to shares that will even have voting rights as the project is expanded and will have A LOT of other key benefits to make them valuable. One thing that sets this apart from anything else is we are NOT selling these tokens… We are giving them away FREE!

This model doesn’t make sense to most people, mainly because they are greedy, but we have already proven it works in a structure like BitClub Network and we want to give the profits back to the people who deserve it. YOU!!


CoinPayの株式は今日の市場の他のデジタル資産とは異なります… Bitcoinのようなものではなく、ClubCoin、Ethereum、Zcash、その他のものとは異なります。 このデジタル資産は、利益分配プールで「所有証明」を提供する株式証明書のように機能します。 (ただしこれは株式ではありません)

CoinPayトークンは、プロジェクトが拡大されるにつれて議決権を持つ株式に資格を与え、貴重なものにするために他にも多くの主要な利点をもたらします。 これを別のものと区別する1つのことは、これらのトークンを販売していないことです…私たちはそれらを無料で提供しています!

このモデルは、主に貪欲であるため、ほとんどの人にとって理にかなっていませんが、BitClub Networkのような構造で動作することがすでに証明されており、利益をそれにふさわしい人々に還元したいと考えています(あなたのような!)。

No Risk for Merchants, Here’s Why…(何故店舗にリスクがないのか…)

If a merchant is selling a cup of coffee for $5.00 USD. They would be able to accept ClubCoin (right now this would be 10 ClubCoin). An invoice is generated and the customer pays the merchant with ClubCoin, this would be instantly converted to Bitcoin and the Bitcoin instantly converted to USD or other FIAT based on the preferred exchange and region of the merchant.

So at the end of the day the merchant would receive $5.00 USD in their bank account and since CoinPay is only acting as the software to allow the transaction to happen between the two parties there is no risk for the merchant because the “money” is either in the customers hands or the merchants hands.

It’s our hope that merchants wake up and want to hold digital currency because there is a lot of upside in the market. So for this reason we give them the opportunity to cash in a percentage of their transactions and hold the rest in either ClubCoin or Bitcoin if they chose. This percentage can easily be set and changed if it becomes more attractive to hold or sell


店舗が$ 5.00 USDでコーヒーを販売している場合。彼らはClubCoinを受け入れることができます(今は10のClubCoinになります)。請求書が生成され、顧客がClubCoinでマーチャントに支払うと、即座にBitcoinに変換され、Bitcoinは店舗の優先交換および地域に基づいて即座にUSDまたは他の法定通貨に変換されます。

だから、その日の終わりに店舗は銀行口座に$ 5.00ドルを受け取るだろうし、CoinPayは取引が両当事者の間で起こることを許可するソフトウェアとしてしか機能していないので、店舗側はリスクが伴わない。


Why Merchants Want to Accept ClubCoin?(なぜ店舗側がClubCoinを受け入れたいのか)

Merchants will gain access to thousands of new customers (BitClub Members) and anyone else holding ClubCoin. For this privilege we are going to ask the merchant to offer their product or service at a discount to members if they chose to accept ClubCoin.

This discount will be advertised to the network and anyone with ClubCoin can shop based on these discounts to get a great deal. We expect to see new customers outside of BitClub Network buying ClubCoin just so they can shop with it and get a discount by using it through CoinPay.

Example: Using the same cup of coffee example… This coffee shop would sell their coffee at a 5% discount, or $4.75 to all ClubCoin holders offering a $0.25 discount. This discount would be listed through an entire network of other discounts that all token holders can shop through.

We believe ClubCoin can become the “shopping token” that people use instead of spending their Bitcoin and using BitClub Network as the engine to power the expansion of CoinPay this could become a very strong global shopping network.



この割引はネットワークに宣伝され、ClubCoinを持っている人は、これらの割引に基づいて買い物をすることができます。 BitClub Network以外の新規顧客は、ClubCoinを買うだけで買うことができ、CoinPayで割引を受けることができます。

例:同じコーヒー紅茶の例を使用する…このコーヒーショップは、コーヒーを5%割引で、またはすべてのClubCoin保有者に$ 4.75で0.25ドルの割引を提供します。この割引は、すべてのトークン所有者が購入可能な他の割引のネットワーク全体を通じてリストされます。

ClubCoinはBitcoinを使う代わりに人々が使う「ショッピングトークン」になり、CoinPayの拡張にエンジンとしてBitClub Networkを使用することで、これは非常に強力なグローバルショッピングネットワークになる可能性があります。

How Does CoinPay Make Money?(コインペイはどのようにしてお金を稼ぐのですか?)

CoinPay will charge a 1% transaction fee on all transactions and these fees will also be shared with the BitClub member who enrolled the merchant. Merchants will have an option to upgrade for a one time $399 fee which will give them complete access to the network of shoppers, and many tools that Free merchants will not receive.

CoinPay also offers Enterprise level packages that provide a fully customized solution that can be integrated easily into any existing shopping cart platforms. It’s also our hope to integrate with the most popular open source shopping carts so its very easy to implement for merchants on these platforms

We strongly believe in this type of approach and by launching CoinPay through a sales organization like BitClub we know this can be really big for everyone!


CoinPayはすべての取引で1%の取引手数料を請求し、これらの手数料は店舗を登録したBitClub会員と共有されます。 エージェントは、購入者のネットワークへの完全なアクセスを提供する399ドルの料金と、無料加盟店が受け取ることのない多くのツールを一度アップグレードするオプションを提供します。

CoinPayは、既存のショッピングカートプラットフォームに容易に統合できる完全にカスタマイズされたソリューションを提供するエンタープライズレベルのパッケージも提供しています。 また、最も人気のあるオープンソースのショッピングカートと統合して、これらのプラットフォームで店舗向けに実装することも非常に簡単です






